Con riferimento anche al precedente post per l'automazione del processo di realizzazione e packaging delle mascherine fino al loro inscatolamento la linea di robotizzazioni SISCODATA per la lotta al CORONA VIRUS è stata ampliata e perfezionata .Ad oggi perciò Siscodata e' in grado di fornire 2 differenti tipi di soluzioni robotiche per i costruttori di mascherine chirurgiche .La prima soluzione prevede la diretta connessione delle macchine di cucitura ed applicazione degli elastici per le orecchie alla linea di imballo della singola mascherina con relative istruzioni/cartoncino ed alla sua successiva introduzione dopo conteggio nella scatola FEFCO 0406 formata da foglio pianodi cartone Kraft o micronda fustellato . .
With reference also to the previous post on the automation process of realization and packaging of the surgcal mask up to their boxing, the line of SISCODATA robotization for the fight against CORONA VIRUS has been expanded and perfected. So far Siscodata is able to provide 2 different types of robotic solutions for manufacturers of surgical masks. The first solution foresees the direct connection of the sewing machines and the application of ear elastics to the packaging line of the single mask with relative instructions/carton and its subsequent introduction after counting in the FEFCO 0406 box made of flat Kraft cardboard or micronda die-cut sheet. .
The second solution is especially valid for large producers with large numerical values. it provides that The second solution is especially valid for large manufacturers with large numerical values. It foresees that the masks are produced in a separate area that is used also to load a temporary stock of cartridges that instead of the current randomly filled baskets keep the masks in an orderly position.The robot do not need so of sophist
icated vision systems and runs at highest speed .
For more details on the fullautomatic system from manufacuturing upto box closed ask to or call dr.ssa Laura Cattaneo or Mr. Brambilla at + 39.0332.472.471
La seconda soluzione risulta valida specialmente per i produttori di grosse dimensione e con grossi valori numerici. prevede che le masckherine siano prodotte in un apposito settore separato che va a caricare un magazzino temporaneo di cartucce che invece dei cestoni attuali mantengono le mascherine in posizione ordinata il robot poi le preleva ad alta velocita' e le deposita sul nastro a facchineti della flowpack
With reference also to the previous post on the automation process of realization and packaging of the surgcal mask up to their boxing, the line of SISCODATA robotization for the fight against CORONA VIRUS has been expanded and perfected. So far Siscodata is able to provide 2 different types of robotic solutions for manufacturers of surgical masks. The first solution foresees the direct connection of the sewing machines and the application of ear elastics to the packaging line of the single mask with relative instructions/carton and its subsequent introduction after counting in the FEFCO 0406 box made of flat Kraft cardboard or micronda die-cut sheet. .
The second solution is especially valid for large producers with large numerical values. it provides that The second solution is especially valid for large manufacturers with large numerical values. It foresees that the masks are produced in a separate area that is used also to load a temporary stock of cartridges that instead of the current randomly filled baskets keep the masks in an orderly position.The robot do not need so of sophist
For more details on the fullautomatic system from manufacuturing upto box closed ask to or call dr.ssa Laura Cattaneo or Mr. Brambilla at + 39.0332.472.471